Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Fan Writes......

Just got this from a 'fan' in Australia.

I'm not sure how to respond. Oh well, can't win 'em all....

Dear Stephen

I was under the impression that you were one of my favourite authors as I have read almost all of your books and thoroughly enjoyed them. This is until I read Nightfall recently, where although the storyline had promise, the book as a whole was very disappointing with weak characterisation and a predictable plot. The constant references to Jack Nightingale’s smoking became extremely irritating and made me wonder if Marlborough had given you a sponsorship.

Rob Liddiard
Perth, Western Australia


Anonymous said...

Good morning Stephen,

I just finished reading Nightfall and thought that the book was excellent. Jack Nightingale is an excellent character. The way the book ended I thought there might be a second book following on the first book. Is there a second book?


Stephen Leather said...

There sure is, Licia! It's called Midnight and it'll be on the shelves in January next year! In it Jack is hunting for the sister he never knew he had!

ginashadzz said...

congratulations to stephen leather's Nightfall, loved reading it, gripping plot, believable characters,look forward to second instalment, liked the virtual view of gosling manor, a little spooky!! well done.bloody good read!!

Anonymous said...

Hi ya, I read all your books, and I enjoyed Nightfall. I couldn't put it down !! thanks, Donna