Please wait for a DHL Chat Specialist to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Monty'
Monty: Hi. Thank you for contacting DHL Live Chat. How may I help you?
you: Can you look at Waybill number 2107488386 for me please
Monty: I will be glad to assist you. Please be on hold for 3 minutes while I pull up the records.
you: Five days is not acceptable is it?
Monty: Thank you for being on hold.
you: Why has the package not been delivered after five days?
you: Are you there, Monty?
Monty: Thank you for being on hold.
you: What?
you: Why do you keep thanking me?
Monty: According to the records, the package was sent to an incorrect facility on 26th-Oct-2010 at 9:29 AM because of sorting error; however, later it was sent to the proper destination.
you: According to your tracking record it has not been delivered yet.
you: Are you saying it was delivered today?
you: Monty?
you: Are you there?
you: Hello??????????
Monty: Currently, the shipment is in transit and expected to be delivered on 27th-Oct-2010 by the end of business, barring any unforeseeable delays.
you: That is not acceptable, is it?
you: Six days from Bangkok to Dublin?
you: Or is that normal for DHL?
you: Dublin is a small city.
you: How can it spend all day in transit?
you: Are you there Monty?
you: Monty????????????????????????????????????
you: Hello?
Monty: I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
you: I want more than an apology, Monty.
you: Six days is not acceptable, is it?
Monty: I do understand your concern regarding the package.
you: Do you want me to be a happy customer, Monty?
you: Because at the moment I am not a happy customer.
you: I am starting to wish that I had used FedEx and not DHL.
you: Why is it taking six days to deliver my package?
you: Regular post rarely takes six days.
you: Hello?????????????????????????
Monty: I regret the inconvenience caused.
you: Monty, are you a computer?
you: Or a human being?
you: Am I talking to a machine?
you: Hello???????????????????
you: I need more than regret, Monty. I paid for a speedy service but you haven't provided that.
Monty: I suggest you to contact our Thailand Customer Support at 66-2-345 5000 for further assistance in this regard.
you: It has taken DHL longer to deliver my package than it would have taken by regular mail.
you: You won't deal with this yourself? I have to phone?
you: What use are you then, Monty?
you: You are a machine, right? I am talking to a computer?
you: You are not a human being?
Monty: As this is non-US shipment.
you: You are a machine pretending to be a human being, right?
you: You are not really Monty, you are an IBM mainframe, right?
you: Are you saying that people should only use DHL for US shipments? I did not know that.
you: You should tell people that you do not deliver to non US countries.
you: FedEX deliver everywhere and they are usually very quick.
you: Six days from Thailand to Ireland is not acceptable,
you: That is slower than regular mail.
you: Why has it taken five days and you still have not delivered my package?
Monty: We do not have an option to forward a message to the respective department.
you: The contents are important - that is why I used a courier service.
you: Monty, you are a computer, right?
you: Please, you can tell me.
you: You are not a human being, are you?
Monty: I request you to contact our Thailand Customer Support at 66-2-345 5000 to expedite the shipment.
you: Answer my question, Monty.
you: Are you a machine?
you: Am I wasting my time talking to a computer?
you: Because you talk like a machine?
you: It is now 11.30pm Monty. They do not answer the phone.
you: Do you understand?
you: Helllo????????????????????????????????????????
you: Monty??????????????????????????????
you: I sent a very important package to Dublin using DHL and it has not arrived./ Why will you not help me?
you: It has taken five days already and it is still not there.
you: Your Thailand staff do not answer the phone because it is 11.30pm
you: But it is 5.30pm in Ireland.
you: Why will they not deliver the package now?
you: You are not helping me, Monty.
you: This is not Customer Service.
you: This is Customer Dis-service.
you: It is not acceptable for you to take five days and to fail to deliver my package, which contains important papers.
Monty: The shipment is at the destination service center and DHL will make every possible effort's to deliver the package on 27th-Oct-2010 by the end of business, barring any unforeseeable delays.
you: That is not good enough.
you: That means you will have taken six days to deliver my package.
you: Regular mail between Thailand and Ireland soes not take six days.
you: What compensation are you going to offer me, Monty?
you: Because the 'service' that DHL has offered me is not acceptable.
Monty: I suggest you to contact our Thailand Customer Support at 66-2-345 5000 to file a service failure on this shipment.
you: So there has been a service failure? You admit that?
you: And I did already tell you that the Thai office is not answering the phone. It is now 11.55pm here.
you: Monrty?
you: Are you there?
you: Hello?????????????????????????????????
Monty: Yes, I request you to contact our Thailand Customer support to refund the service charges.
you: And they will refund my money in full?
you: Will they?
you: Will they, Monty?
Monty: Yes, they will refund the charges.
you: Thank you so much.
you: Good night.
Monty: You're welcome. Thank you for using DHL services. Have a nice day. Good bye.
Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.