Monday, May 24, 2010

Polarised Views On Amazon

Two reviews went up on Amazon at about the same time recently - one reviewer giving it five stars, the other one star. It's worth remembering that one star is the lowest that a reviewer can give - you can't award zero stars. So you only really give a one star review to a book that you hate....

I am still not sure why a book that gets so many five star reviews (19 so far!) can also get one star reviews. It's a mystery. I guess that Jack Nightingale is like Marmite - love it or hate it....

Anyway, here's the five star review:

Wow, 21 May 2010
By Ms J Linney
This review is from: Nightfall (Paperback)
This was one of the best books I've read this year, and I read a lot! Different and intriguing. Do hope this is the beginning of a long friendship with P.I. Jack Nightingale

And here's the one star review.

Utterly dismal, 21 May 2010
By Call Me Sparky "Playful Scamp and Meglomaniac... (London, England)

This review is from: Nightfall (Paperback)

I've never read any Stephen Leather books, but convinced by te marketing campaign and reviews of his other, more traditional sounding crime novels, I read this.

The plot is far from ludicrous given it is a supernatural thriller (and I use the term thriller wrongly). A willing suspension of disbelief is obviously required. However, poorly written, off the shelf characters do nothing to elevate the story or provide any real sense of danger.

Similar to James Herbert at his worst - and that is saying something - unbelievable dialogue has stuck this book firmly in my mind along with books I read back in the early 80's. Random plotting, insufficient descriptive prowess, the inclusion of a Basil Exposition character that would fit in a Dan Brown book... I could go on but I have not got the energy.

What I will say is that it moves along quickly. Thank God. In this case it is not indicative of a gripping story, but poor characterisation and scene setting which results in this being nothing more than a basic script.

Utterly, utterly woeful.

I have to say I do find it hard to take someone seriously who calls himself Sparky and who refers to himself as "Playful Scamp and Meglomaniacal Genius". I mean, really.....


Winky said...

I for one love the new book, easy to read and entertaing to the end.

Stephen Leather said...

Thanks Winky!

Unknown said...

I have read all the Dan Shepherd books and eagerly await the release of Rough Justice. I recently bought Nightfall and just finished the book 10 mins ago. Loved it and cant wait for the next book! Thnks Stephen for getting me reading after all these years.

Zube said...

I have read all the Dan Shepherd books and eagerly await the release of Rough Justice. I recently bought Nightfall and just finished the book 10 mins ago. Loved it and cant wait for the next book! Thnks Stephen for getting me reading after all these years.

Anonymous said...

Stephen, "what's in a name?". As for my desire to take over the world - you've got to have aims.
Good luck with your next books, CM Sparky.